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One of our traditions at Chicago Friends School is that each classroom makes its own class rules at the beginning of the year. This practice starts with students stating goals for their year, and then discussing what kind of learning and classroom environment they need to reach these goals. After our middle school classroom devised…

On Quaker Education

Ed note: As we start a new school year, I thought that new parents might want to read this meditation about the mission of the school that also featured in last year’s newsletter. Why does Chicago Friends School exist? What are we trying to do? We are trying to make students who will make a…

We love and support our community

Courage and Community: A Valentine’s Day Reflection

I recently had lunch with another school head from the neighborhood, who was asking me about managing fear following the terrible shooting that occurred two weeks ago today near the school. I talked to her about my own fear – as a private individual who both works and lives in Edgewater, am I afraid, and…

Children running in a field

What Can We Do? A Reflection On Our Fall Service Day

It happened so quickly. There was a ward meeting about the possibility of sheltering migrants at a local park center in July, and by August 1 there were hundreds of migrants moving into a shelter steps away from our school. These families with children had made the arduous, almost 3000-mile journey across MesoAmerica and had…

Sitting student holding up peace sign

Wishing for peace and managing conflict

On Monday, students in grades 3-8 will be taking the El down to Daley Plaza to participate in the citywide celebration of United Nations Peace Day. This is a tradition we have participated in since 2018. Students make their own peace signs, travel to the El, and participate in the call for peace, a ceremony…