
We love and support our community

Courage and Community: A Valentine’s Day Reflection

I recently had lunch with another school head from the neighborhood, who was asking me about managing fear following the terrible shooting that occurred two weeks ago today near the school. I talked to her about my own fear – as a private individual who both works and lives in Edgewater, am I afraid, and…

Children running in a field

What Can We Do? A Reflection On Our Fall Service Day

It happened so quickly. There was a ward meeting about the possibility of sheltering migrants at a local park center in July, and by August 1 there were hundreds of migrants moving into a shelter steps away from our school. These families with children had made the arduous, almost 3000-mile journey across MesoAmerica and had…

Sitting student holding up peace sign

Wishing for peace and managing conflict

On Monday, students in grades 3-8 will be taking the El down to Daley Plaza to participate in the citywide celebration of United Nations Peace Day. This is a tradition we have participated in since 2018. Students make their own peace signs, travel to the El, and participate in the call for peace, a ceremony…