
Student hands forming a circle

Reflecting on Equality in an Unequal World

This month, we are reflecting on the values of Equality and Equity as a school. Equality and equity, like integrity, are easier for children to grasp in their absence than their presence. Throughout years of school-wide reflection, I’ve heard many stories of inequality — among siblings, among friends, in the classroom and at home. It…

Students and a teacher hanging from the ceiling and standing on the walls in illusion room

Illusions Through Mirrors and Lenses

This past Friday, the school went on a field trip to the Museum of Illusions. I had the great pleasure of organizing this trip, which goes hand in hand with this school year’s theme, “Mirror & Lenses,” making this museum a great location to visit and learn about seeing things from different perspectives. The Museum…

Real-World Application- Sport Meets Social Studies

I am a passionate middle school Humanities teacher, but anyone who knows me also knows that I am a passionate lover of the Beautiful Game – football. No, I don’t mean American football, I mean what locals here call soccer. When I heard seven years ago that the 2022 FIFA World Cup would take place…

Drawings by students of things they are grateful for

Gratitude and Quaker Values

This month, we are starting to reflect on Gratitude as a whole school. The image I have attached is of squares from a whole-school gratitude quilt that students are working on. As you can see this group of kids are grateful for a range of things: pollinators; music; a roof over their heads; medicine, even…