
What Peace Day Means to Us

While the other three classes were downtown at the peace rally, the kindergarten and first grade students had our own fun day of peace back at CFS. One of our big, exciting missions of the day was to design and paint our very own peace mural!  It was really wonderful to sit with our very young scholars and talk about what images, things, places and people gave them a feeling of peace, and which of those they wanted to include in our hanging mural. 

Our mural, as explained by our class, includes: 

  • A rainbow to show how nature is peaceful and because rainbows make everyone happy
  • The word PEACE really big, so everyone would know what our mural was about
  • A huge Atomaton robot holding up a peace sign to represent our class name and the strength and peace we feel when we work together
  • A dove because we learned the dove is an international sign of peace
  • Peace balloons because they make you smile and smiling makes you feel at peace
  • And last, we wanted to show all of us in our class hanging out together because hanging out with people you love is the most peaceful thing of all
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Meghan Brtnik

is a classroom teacher on the K-2 team. Originally from Toronto, Canada, Meghan was a substitute teacher at an international baccalaureate school in Toronto and at the Latin School of Chicago. She graduated from York University, Toronto, with a M.Ed. at the primary/junior level and completed an additional qualification course in special education. Meghan earned a B.A. from the University of Western Ontario in honors psychology, focusing on the psychological and social foundations in human behavior. In addition, Meghan has worked in a Montessori school, tutored students individually, and lived and worked at an all-girls boarding school.
For fun, Meghan loves traveling, trying out new restaurants, exploring new neighborhoods, swimming, reading, and walking.