
What Peace Day Means to Us

While the other three classes were downtown at the peace rally, the kindergarten and first grade students had our own fun day of peace back at CFS. One of our big, exciting missions of the day was to design and paint our very own peace mural!  It was really wonderful to sit with our very…

K/1, A Well Oiled Machine

With less than a month left of school, I am beginning to reflect on the year.  My class is truly feeling like a family unit, and we are all getting sentimental and appreciating our time together.   By this time of year the students know all the classroom procedures and routines and can independently execute…

Creating Worlds

In my classroom, we are well and truly launched on creating our own worlds! As a culmination of our Earth science unit, our literature studies, and our social studies emphasis this year on government circles of influence, responsibility and authority, each student in our class is designing a world of their own.  There are four…